
MODERN PRO online shop regulations

  1. Preliminary provisions.

  1. The online shop available at the Internet address is operated by Łukasz Reczyński, conducting business under the name: Modern Pro Łukasz Reczyński with registered office at ul. Zambrowska 18 lok. 102, 16-001 Kleosin, registered in the Central Register and Information on Business Activity (CEIDG), NIP: 5381758729.
  2. These Terms and Conditions set out the general rules for the use of the Online Shop, the terms and conditions of concluding sales agreements with the Customer through the Online Shop, the rights and obligations of the Seller and the Customer and the principles of the complaint procedure, as well as provisions and information on personal data protection.
  3. The Customer is obliged to familiarise himself/herself with the content of these Rules and Regulations when concluding the Sales Agreement via the Internet Shop. Acceptance of the Rules and Regulations takes place by ticking the appropriate option during the order placement process.
  4. These Rules and Regulations are the Rules and Regulations referred to in Article 8 of the Act on Provision of Electronic Services (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, item 344).
  5. The Regulations have been drawn up on the basis of the applicable legal provisions, in particular:
  6. the Act of 23 April 1964 - Civil Code,
  7. Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services,
  8. Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights,

  9. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).


  1. Definitions.

The following descriptions are not intended to be strict prescriptive definitions. They are intended to give an idea of some of the terms used in our Terms and Conditions. Terms used for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions have the following meanings:

  1. Working days - means weekdays from Monday to Friday excluding public holidays.
  2. Delivery - means the actual act of supplying the Customer, through the Seller, with the Goods specified in the Order.
  3. Supplier - means the courier company with which the Seller cooperates in the delivery of the Goods.
  4. Password - means a sequence of letter, digital or other characters chosen by the Customer when registering with the Online Shop, used to secure access to the Customer's Account with the Online Shop.
  5. Customer - means an entity to whom, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and the law, electronic services may be provided or with whom a Sales Agreement may be concluded.
  6. Consumer - means a natural person who concludes a Sales Contract for purposes which are not directly related to his/her commercial or professional activity.
  7. Customer's Account - means an individual panel for each Customer, set up on his or her behalf by the Seller, after the Customer registers and concludes an agreement for the provision of the service of maintaining a Customer's Account. A Customer's Account is marked with an individual name (login) and password provided by the Customer and constitutes a collection of resources in the Seller's ICT system, where the data provided by the Customer and information about the Sales Agreements concluded by the Customer in the Seller's Internet Shop are stored.
  8. Entrepreneur - means a natural person, a legal person or an organisational unit which is not a legal person but to which the law confers legal capacity, conducting a business or professional activity in its own name and performing a legal action directly related to its business or professional activity.
  9. Entrepreneur with the rights of a Consumer - means a natural person concluding a Sales Agreement directly related to his/her business activity, when the content of the Sales Agreement shows that it does not have a professional character for this Entrepreneur, resulting in particular from the subject of his/her business activity, made available on the basis of the provisions on the Central Register and Information on Business Activity.
  10. Terms and Conditions - means these Terms and Conditions.
  11. Registration - means an actual action performed in the manner specified in the Terms and Conditions, required for the Customer to use all the functionalities of the Online Shop.
  12. Shop - Internet shop "MODERN PRO" available at the electronic address, owned by the Seller, through which the sale of Goods is carried out without the simultaneous presence of the Parties, using the telecommunication network.
  13. Seller - means: Łukasz Reczyński, running a business under the name Modern Pro Łukasz Reczyński, with registered office at ul. Zambrowska 18 lok. 102, 16-001 Kleosin, registered in the Central Register and Information on Business Activity (CEIDG), with NIP number: 5381758729; e-mail:, being at the same time the owner of the Internet Shop.
  14. Goods - means a product presented by the Seller via the Store's Website which may be the subject of a Sales Contract.
  15. Durable medium - means a material or tool enabling the Customer or the Seller to store information addressed personally to the Customer or the Seller in such a way that the information can be accessed in the future for a period of time appropriate to the purposes for which the information is used and which allows the unchanged reproduction of the stored information.
  16. Sales Contract - means a distance sales contract, under the terms of the Terms and Conditions, between the Customer and the Seller.
  17. Customer - means a natural person with full legal capacity and, in cases provided for by generally applicable law, also a natural person with limited legal capacity; or a legal person; or an organisational unit without legal personality, to which legal capacity is granted by law; - using or intending to use an Electronic Service.
  18. Order - the Customer's declaration of intent aimed directly at concluding a contract of sale of Goods with the Seller.


  1. General conditions.


  1. The pages of the Shop may be used only in accordance with the provisions of these Rules.
  2. The Seller shall endeavour to make the use of the Online Shop possible for Internet users using all popular Internet browsers, operating systems, device types and Internet connection types.
  3. In order to conclude a Sales Contract in the Online Store via the Store's Website and in order to use the services available on the Store's Website, it is necessary for the Customer to have an active e-mail account and an active telephone number.
  4. The Contract of Sale between the Customer and the Seller is concluded in accordance with the applicable law and the Terms and Conditions.
  5. Only persons of legal age are entitled to make purchases in the Shop.
  6. The prices given in the Internet Shop are given in Polish zloty and are net and gross prices (including the applicable VAT). The prices do not include the costs of delivery of the ordered goods.
  7. The price list available on the Goods pages is an integral part of the Terms and Conditions.
  8. The use of the Online Shop takes place using a data communication system. For this purpose, it is necessary to have a device with access to the Internet and an Internet browser.
  9. The content of the Shop's website, in particular texts, photos, graphics, audio and video materials, as well as the selection and layout of the content adopted in the Shop, are protected under the Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and related rights and the Act of 30 June 2000 on industrial property rights and are the property of the Seller. All personal and economic copyrights to any elements of the Store are reserved. The Store's website is a work as defined by the Copyright Act. The Customer is entitled to use the Store only in the manner specified in the Terms and Conditions.


  1. Registration.


  1. In order to create a Customer Account, the Customer is obliged to register free of charge.
  2. Registration is not necessary to place an Order in the Online Shop and to conclude a Sales Contract.
  3. In order to register, the Customer should fill in the registration form made available by the Seller on the Shop's Website and send the completed registration form electronically to the Seller by selecting the appropriate function in the registration form. During Registration, the Customer sets an individual Password.
  4. When completing the registration form, the Customer has the opportunity to read and accept the Terms and Conditions by marking the appropriate box on the form.
  5. During Registration, the Customer may voluntarily consent to the processing of his/her personal data for marketing purposes by ticking the relevant box on the Registration form. In this case, the Vendor shall clearly inform about the purpose of collecting the Customer's personal data, as well as the known or anticipated recipients of such data.
  6. The Client's consent to the processing of his/her personal data for marketing purposes does not condition the possibility of concluding an agreement with the Seller for the electronic provision of the service of maintaining the Client's Account. The consent may be withdrawn by the Customer at any time by submitting an appropriate declaration to the Seller. The declaration may, for example, be sent to the Seller's address via e-mail.
  7. After submitting the completed registration form, the Client shall immediately receive, by e-mail to the e-mail address provided in the registration form, a confirmation of the Registration by the Seller. At this moment, the agreement on provision of Electronic Services - the service of maintaining the Client's Account is concluded, and the Client gains the possibility to access the Client's Account and make changes to the data provided during the Registration.
  8. The Customer acknowledges that the Account password created by the Customer is confidential and may not be disclosed to third parties. The Customer may change his/her Account password at any time by setting a new password after logging into his/her Account.


  1. Conclusion of the Sales Contract and its execution.

  1.  The information contained on the Store's Website does not constitute an offer by the Seller within the meaning of the Civil Code, but only an invitation to customers to submit offers for the conclusion of a sales contract.
  2. It is not necessary to set up an Account in the Online Shop in order for the Customer to place an Order.
  3. The Customer may place Orders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Seller reserves the right to impose restrictions on the use of the online shop, in particular in the event of technical interruptions.
  4. All products offered by the Seller in the Shop are new and free from legal defects. A wide range of Products offered by the Seller in the Shop are made to individual Customer's order, to the size indicated by the Customer and adjusted to the Customer's needs and individual preferences.
  5. An order can be placed by filling in an order form located on the website of the Online Store. The order form contains the Customer's data necessary for the fulfilment of the order and enables the determination of the terms and conditions of the Sales Agreement to be concluded, selection of additional options, type and quantity of the purchased products, type of delivery, type of payment, place of delivery of the ordered goods.
  6. The Customer placing an Order via the Store's Website, completes the Order by selecting the Goods in which he/she is interested. The Goods are added to the Order by selecting the option "TO CART" under the given Goods presented on the Store's Website. The Client, after completing the whole Order and indicating in the "CART" the manner of Delivery and the form of payment, places the Order by sending the Order form to the Seller by selecting the "Order" button on the Store's Website.
  7. During the process of placing the Order - until the "Order" button is pressed - The Customer has the possibility of modifying the data entered and with regard to the selection of the Goods. To do so, follow the messages displayed to the Customer and the information available on the website.
  8. Once the Customer using the Online Shop has entered all the necessary data, a summary of the Order placed will be displayed. The summary of the Order placed shall contain information concerning:the subject of the contract,the unit price and total price of the products or services ordered, including delivery costs and additional costs (if any),the selected payment method,the chosen method of delivery and its timing,
  9. In order to send an Order, it is necessary to accept the content of the Terms and Conditions, provide personal data marked as mandatory and press the button of the appropriate form of payment (order with obligation to pay).
  10. Sending an Order by the Customer constitutes a declaration of will to conclude a Sales Agreement with Modern Pro Łukasz Reczyński, in accordance with the content of the Regulations.
  11. Once the Order has been placed, the Customer will receive an email containing a final confirmation of all relevant elements of the Order.
  12. The contract shall be deemed to have been concluded upon receipt by the Customer of the email referred to above.
  13. The Seller reserves the right to refuse orders placed using an incorrectly completed Form.
  14. The customer is obliged to provide the data truthfully and is legally responsible for it.
  15. The conclusion of the Sales Contract with the Customer takes place when the Order is placed.
  16. The fulfilment of an order of the Customer payable cash on delivery takes place immediately after the conclusion of the contract, and an order paid by bank transfer or via an electronic payment system after the conclusion of the contract and the booking of the Customer's payment by the Seller.
  17. In any case, the seller reserves the right to verify an order that has been made and to cancel it in cases where there is reason to doubt the reliability of such an order.
  18. Non-standard orders are realised on a case-by-case basis after prior agreement on price and lead time.

VI. Delivery.

  1. Delivery of the Goods is limited to the territory of the European Union and takes place to the address indicated by the Customer when placing the Order.
  2. Delivery of the ordered Goods is made by courier, forwarding service. In addition, delivery costs will be indicated at the time of placing the Order.
  3. Lead time is detailed on the product page. Calculated from the day of order confirmation until the day the parcel is collected by the courier/shipper or collected by the customer himself.
  4. On the day of dispatch of the Goods to the Customer (if the possibility of collecting the Goods in person has not been selected), information confirming dispatch by the Seller is sent to the Customer's e-mail address.
  5. The delivery time varies according to the selected delivery type and collection location. It is listed at the ordering stage. This is the time calculated from the day the parcel is collected by the courier/shipper to the day the first delivery attempt is made.
  6. The Seller shall, in accordance with the Customer's wishes, enclose with the consignment being delivered, either a receipt or a VAT invoice covering the Goods delivered. In order to receive a VAT invoice, the Customer should declare at the time of purchase that it is purchasing the Goods as an Entrepreneur (VAT taxpayer). The above declaration is made by marking the appropriate field in the Order form, before sending the Order to the Seller.
  7. The Customer is obliged to check the Order for any damage caused during shipment and, in the event of such damage, to draw up a damage report containing the date and time of delivery and a description of the damage. The protocol is a condition for the consideration of a possible complaint.
  8. Deliveries take place on working days, Monday to Friday. Deliveries are not made on weekends and public holidays.
  9. The Customer has the possibility to collect the ordered Goods in person. The collection can be made at the Seller's office on Business Days, during the opening hours indicated on the Store's Website, after arranging the collection date with the Seller via e-mail or by telephone.

VII. Form of Payment.

The customer has the option of paying for the goods for the order placed in the form of:

  1. by bank transfer to the bank account number at

mBank S.A.


  1. fast transfer payments supported by PayPro,

  2. cash on delivery;

  3. Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard credit card payments.


VIII. Warranty for defects, complaints of Goods.

  1. The basis and scope of the Seller's liability towards the Customer who is a Consumer or a Business with the rights of a Consumer if the Goods sold are not in conformity with the Contract are set out in generally applicable laws, in particular the Act of 30 May 2014 on Consumer Rights. The Seller shall ensure the Delivery of Goods free of physical and legal defects. The Seller shall be liable to the Customer if the Goods have a physical or legal defect (warranty).
  2. If the Goods do not comply with the Sales Contract, the Customer may: -make a declaration to reduce the price or withdraw from the Sales Agreement, unless the Seller shall immediately and without undue inconvenience for the Customer replace the defective Goods with Goods free of defects or remove the defects. This limitation shall not apply if the Goods have already been replaced or repaired by the Seller, or the Seller has failed to satisfy the obligation to replace the Goods with defect-free Goods or remove the defects. The Customer may, instead of rectification of defects proposed by the Seller, demand replacement of the Goods with defect-free Goods or, instead of replacement of the Goods, demand rectification of defects, unless bringing the Goods into conformity with the agreement in a manner selected by the Customer is impossible or would require excessive costs in comparison with the manner proposed by the Seller. When assessing the excessive costs, the value of the Goods free from defects, type and significance of the defect found shall be taken into account, as well as inconvenience to which the Customer would be exposed in another way of satisfying his claims. The Customer may not withdraw from the Sales Agreement if the defect is insignificant.
  3. The Customer who exercises the warranty rights is obliged to deliver the defective item to the Seller's address. In the case of a Customer who is a Consumer and an Entrepreneur with rights of a Consumer, the cost of delivery is covered by the Seller.
  4. The Seller shall be liable under the warranty if a physical defect is discovered before the lapse of two years from the delivery of the Goods to the Customer. The claim for rectification of the defect or replacement of the Goods with defect-free Goods shall become time-barred after one year, but this period cannot end before the expiry of the period specified in the first sentence. Within this period, the Customer may withdraw from the Contract of Sale or make a declaration of price reduction due to a defect in the Goods. If the Customer has requested replacement of the Goods with defect-free ones or removal of the defect, the time limit for withdrawal from the Contract of Sale or submission of a declaration of price reduction shall commence upon ineffective expiry of the time limit for replacement of the Goods or removal of the defect.
  5. Any complaints relating to the Goods or the performance of the Sales Contract, the Customer may address in writing to the Seller's address.
  6. The Seller shall, within 14 days from the date of the request containing the complaint, respond to the complaint about the Goods or the complaint relating to the performance of the Sales Contract submitted by the Customer.
  7. The Seller shall reimburse to the Consumer or Entrepreneur with the Consumer's entitlement the amounts due as a result of exercising the right to reduce the price immediately, but not later than within 14 days of receiving the price reduction declaration.
  8. The Seller shall be liable to non-consumers if the Goods have a physical or legal defect (warranty).
  9. The basis and scope of the Seller's liability towards Entrepreneurs who do not have the status of a Consumer, if the sold Goods have a physical or legal defect (warranty) are defined by generally applicable laws, in particular the Civil Code.
  10. A complaint can be made, for example, in writing to the address of the Seller, i.e.: Modern Pro Łukasz Reczyński with registered office at ul. Zambrowska 18 lok. 102, 16-001 Kleosin, or by e-mail to the Seller's address, i.e.: The complaint can also be submitted on the form, the specimen of which has been placed by the Seller on the website of the Store.
  11. The Seller encourages to provide in the description of the complaint: information and circumstances relating to the subject of the complaint, in particular the type and date of occurrence of the defect; request for the manner of bringing the Goods into conformity with the Sales Agreement or declaration of price reduction or withdrawal from the Sales Agreement; and contact details of the complainant - this will facilitate and accelerate the processing of the complaint by the Seller. The requirements specified in the preceding sentence are in the form of a recommendation only and shall not affect the effectiveness of complaints submitted with the omission of the recommended description of the complaint.
  12. The Seller shall respond to the complaint of the Customer - Entrepreneur not having the status of a Consumer, immediately, no later than within 14 calendar days of its submission.
  13. The Customer who exercises the rights under the warranty is obliged to deliver the defective product to the address: Modern Pro Łukasz Reczyński with its registered office at ul. Zambrowska 18 lok. 102, 16-001 Kleosin. In the case of an Entrepreneur who does not have the status of a Consumer, the cost of delivery shall be borne by the Customer. If, due to the type of the Product or the way it is installed, delivery of the Product by the Customer would be excessively difficult, the Customer is obliged to make the Goods available to the Seller at the place where the Goods are located.


IX. Right of withdrawal.

  1. A Customer who is a Consumer or an Entrepreneur with consumer rights has the right to withdraw from a contract concluded with the Seller within 14 days without giving any reason. The declaration of withdrawal can also be made on the form, the specimen of which has been provided by the Seller on the Website of the Shop.

  2. The right of withdrawal does not apply to goods when the object of the performance is a non-refabricated item manufactured to the buyer's specifications/design or intended to meet the buyer's individual needs.

  3. All custom-made ceiling tracks, interior and exterior stuccowork, mosquito nets and roller shutters sold at are manufactured to the customer's individual specifications - to size or design.

  4. The withdrawal period shall expire after 14 days from the day on which you have taken possession of the last lot or piece or on which a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you has taken possession of the last lot or piece. In order to exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us by e-mail to of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement. In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning the exercise of your right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.

  5. The cost of returning the parcel shall be borne by the customer, but not the cost of delivery of the goods by the shop.

  6. If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery of the goods (with the exception of the additional costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of normal delivery offered by us), without delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed of your decision to exercise your right of withdrawal from this contract. We will refund the payment using the same means of payment as you used in the original transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise.


X. Free electronic services.

  1. The Seller provides Electronic Services to Customers, free of charge:

  1. contact form;

  2. newsletter;

  3. maintaining a Customer Account;

  1. The Seller reserves the right to choose and change the type, forms, time and manner of granting access to the selected listed services, of which it will inform the Customers in a manner appropriate for changing the Terms and Conditions.

  2. The Contact Form service consists of sending a message to the Seller using a form on the Store's Website.

  3. Cancellation of the Contact Form service, is possible at any time and consists of ceasing to send enquiries to the Seller.

  4. The Newsletter service may be used by each Customer who enters his/her e-mail address, using the registration form made available by the Seller on the Shop website. Upon submitting the completed registration form, the Customer shall immediately receive an activation link by e-mail to the e-mail address provided in the registration form to confirm subscription to the Newsletter. Upon activation of the link by the Customer, an agreement on provision of the Newsletter service free of charge by electronic means shall be concluded. The Customer may additionally, during the Registration, tick an appropriate box in the Registration form in order to subscribe for the Newsletter service.

  5. The Newsletter service consists of sending by the Seller, to an e-mail address, a message in electronic form containing information about new products or services offered by the Seller. The Newsletter is sent by the Seller to all Clients who subscribed to the Newsletter.

  6. The Customer may unsubscribe from the Newsletter at any time by unsubscribing via the link provided in each email sent as part of the Newsletter service or by deactivating the relevant field in the Customer Account or by sending information in the form of an email to the Seller's address.

  7. The Customer Account Service is available following Registration, as described in the Terms and Conditions, and consists of providing the Customer with a dedicated panel on the Store's Website enabling the Customer to modify the data provided during Registration, as well as to track the status of Orders and the history of Orders already completed.

  8. A Customer who has made a Registration may submit a request to the Seller to delete the Customer Account, whereby if the Seller requests the deletion of the Customer Account, it may be deleted up to 14 days after the request.

  9. The Seller shall be entitled to block access to the Client's Account and Electronic Services if the Client acts to the detriment of the Seller, i.e. The Seller is entitled to block access to the Client's Account and Electronic Services if the Client acts to the detriment of other Clients, if the Client violates the law or the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, and also when blocking access to the Client's Account and free services is justified by security reasons - in particular by the Client's breach of the security of the Shop's Website or other hacking activities. Blocking access to the Client's Account and free services for the aforementioned reasons lasts for the period necessary to resolve the issue constituting the basis for blocking access to the Client's Account and Electronic Services. The Seller shall notify the Customer of the blocking of access to the Customer's Account and Electronic Services by e-mail to the address provided by the Customer in the registration form.

  10. Complaints about Electronic Services and other complaints about the operation of the On-line shop (except for complaints about Goods, which is regulated separately) may be submitted electronically and sent to The Customer should include a description of the problem in the complaint. The Seller shall immediately, but not later than within 14 days, consider the complaint and provide the Customer with an answer.


XI. Protection of personal data.

The principles for the protection of Personal Data are set out in the Privacy Policy.

XII. Final Provisions.

  1. The content of these Terms and Conditions may be recorded by printing, saving to a medium or downloading at any time from the Store's Website.

  2. In the event of a dispute arising from a concluded Contract of Sale, the parties shall seek to resolve the matter amicably. Polish law shall govern all disputes arising under these Terms and Conditions.

  3. The Seller shall inform the Customer who is a Consumer about the possibility to use out-of-court procedures for handling complaints and pursuing claims. The rules of access to these procedures are available in the offices or on the websites of entities entitled to out-of-court dispute resolution. They may be, in particular, consumer ombudsmen or Provincial Inspectorates of Commercial Inspection, the list of which is available on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection. The seller informs that at the address there is a platform for online dispute resolution between consumers and businesses at the EU level (ODR platform).

  4. The Seller reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions. All orders accepted by the Seller for fulfilment before the effective date of the new Terms and Conditions are realised on the basis of the Terms and Conditions that were in force on the day of placing the order by the Customer. The change to the Terms and Conditions comes into effect as of the date of publication on the Store's Website. The Seller will inform the Customer 7 days before the new Terms and Conditions come into force about the change of the Terms and Conditions by means of a message sent via e-mail, containing a link to the text of the changed Terms and Conditions. If the Customer does not accept the new content of the Terms and Conditions, he/she is obliged to notify the Seller of this fact, which results in termination of the agreement for the provision of Free Electronic Services.


















...................., on ....................






(Customer details)

Łukasz Reczyński, conducting business activity under the name Modern Pro Łukasz Reczyński with registered office at ul. Zambrowska 18 lok. 102, 16-001 Kleosin,

NIP: 5381758729


Name of the advertised product



Purchase date/order number:.....................................................................................................

Date of delivery:................................................................................................

Date the defect was noticed:.........................................................................................................

the basis of a repair/return claim is an accurate description: (providing an accurate description is essential)





I make a claim free of charge by: (it is necessary to indicate the request for the method of making the complaint):

  1. Repair;

  2. Replacement;

  3. Price reduction;

  4. Withdrawal from the contract if the defect was IMPORTANT transfer to my bank account at the Bank....................................................................................................................................

account no....................................................................................................................................












...................., on ....................






(Customer details)

Łukasz Reczyński, conducting business activity under the name Modern Pro Łukasz Reczyński with registered office at ul. Zambrowska 18 lok. 102, 16-001 Kleosin,

NIP: 5381758729


I hereby declare that, in the exercise of my entitlement under Article 27 of the Act of

30.05.2014 on consumer rights, I withdraw from the contract of sale of the goods:


Date of purchase:.....................................................................................................

Date of delivery:................................................................................................



Please state the reason for withdrawal:

  1. Colour (different from photo);

  2. Structure

  3. Dimension;

  4. No reason given,

  5. Other ......................................................................................................................................................*


Please make a transfer to my bank account at Bank....................................................................................................................................

account no....................................................................................................................................








completion of the questionnaire is voluntary



Contact form